
Forbidden Fruit Publishing

Sex Drugs Violence and the Bible

By Chris Bennett and Neil McQueen

Forward by Richard Cowan

Read the Introduction

Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible

$45 US plus $15 for shipping
$45 Canadian plus $10 for shipping

Payable to:
Chris Bennett
c/o Pot-TV
307 West Hastings
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6B 1H6

Wholesale Inquiries Invited
phone (604)255-6031
email [email protected]

Read a review

"The book is fascinating! There can be little doubt about a role for Cannabis in Judaic religion... there is no way that so important a plant as a fiber source for textiles and nutritive oils and one so easy to grow would have gone unnoticed, and the mere harvesting of it would have induced an entheogenic reaction."
-Professor of Classical Mythology at Boston University and author, Carl P. Ruck

"Scholarly, hip, witty and extremely well documented... This book might cause a revolution in biblical studies!"
-Robert Anton Wilson, Philosopher, Author and Lecturer

"...SEX, DRUGS, VIOLENCE AND THE BIBLE is...excellent... especially in its detailing the early history... politics... [and] the... seamy sides of Christianity... Read Bennett before rereading the Bible!"
-Jonathon Ott, Entheobotanist, Author and Lecturer

"I love this information. Jesus used cannabis for healing and enlightenment!"
-Dana Larsen, Editor of Cannabis Culture Magazine

"The evidence this scholar presents will shake many deep-seated beliefs about the true nature of Judaism and Christianity"
- High Times Magazine

Did Jesus Use Cannabis?
Sunday Times, 12 Jan 2003

Cannabis linked to Biblical healing
BBC News, 6 Jan 2003

Jesus 'healed using cannabis'
The Guardian, 6 Jan 2003

Jesus Used Cannabis Oil, Writer Says
Washington Post, 2 Feb 2003

News interviews and other shows about the book

Page last modified on October 27, 2010, at 03:59 PM